3d animation

Yup, I have been learning 3d animation since last year. That's what I was busy about. Not easy, though, from drawing to modeling isn't the same thing. At first I have no idea how to use the 3d program. It's so different than photoshop....I can not make any characters like I used to draw in this program. However.....it is so easy to model an environment ! Just put some cube and solid shape, and then repeat repeat and repeat, then I'll have a good environment. Not like characters, they have special forms and shapes. Here's the environment model I done in class

其實這些日子我都在藝術大學學3d動畫啦。 沒有像畫畫那麼簡單,都是用滑鼠做的(手好痛)沒有像photoshop一樣的操作,所以很難做出我心愛的人物們(淚)。 但也不全然做不出其他東西啦~(笑)沒想到最難畫的背景和房屋設計竟然在3d裡那麼好做(暗爽)幾個方塊,然後一直copy and past copy and past copy and past, 就做出一個超讚的背景啦! (爽歪歪)這是我在學校做的

This is from environment 2

And this is from environment 3

Big big process!!! Haha

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