Demo reel done in VCAD(Visual College of Art and Design), March 17, 2014
Thank you for great teaching, great friendship, and great courage.
Thank you, VCAD, for everything.
"世界の端の冒険物語 EDGE OF THE WORLD" is my new adventure tales of this year. It is about an adventure to the edge of the world, and i am planing to present this adventure tales as games and story. well, this is going to be a lot, and i hope i will not give up on this one! (because this is base on my old comic since i made it in grade 5...) this is the opening of "EDGE OF THE WORLD"
start studying about different style...(pretty fun, actually) . While i was studying for the style, i found that each style represent the soul and spirit of a character. Some artists want to show a lot of expression on their characters, so pretty much many people enjoy to read their story. Some artist like to show the designs and beauty of their characters, so many of their characters are looked a lot like. However, the beauty of the characters catch away people's breath, not as bad as the previous one. For me, i like designs, but i love stories more. So i think this is a great study to improve my characters~