Monking ch2

hay, every reader, sorry to keep you wait for so long. because of the final exam and some university business, i stopped drawing comics. however, everything are good, and i am back online to continue ch2
hi~各位讀者們, 不好意思讓你們等了那麼久. 因為最近考試多, 還要用大學的東西, 所以沒有時間畫漫畫. 不過,  現在已經ok啦~MONKING 的故事正事繼續開始了~(YA~~~~)
這是chapter 2, 再從ch 1看起也不錯喔~!!

Blue Sky

Blue Sky is another story i plan to make in to a anime movie. it is about revelation in sky city. And a funny fact is that this idea is from my dream These are the character designs, but i wont tell you the story yet.